According to the head of the IMCC Library the services of the library did not stop even during the pandemic. The library still caters students who are capable and qualified to conduct research and borrow resources provided minimum health safety protocols are being followed. There is also an online resource for journals and research that the students can utilize. The usual library services are offered.

The head of the Student Affairs and Services Department explained that the fees are allocated as follows: 1. Repair and maintenance of sports facilities 2. Sports webinars for coaches and student-athletes 3. Rehabilitation of old sports equipment and facilities

Visit the IMCC DSA facebook page

The head of the Student Affairs and Services Department explained that the fees are allocated as follows:1.Provision of additional equipment and instruments for the IMCC Kapagintaw Band and Dance Troupe2.Repair and maintenance of the cultural office3.Provision of cabinets and other office fixtures for the cultural office

Visit the IMCC DSA facebook page

The head of the office reiterates that the school clinic and dental services will be available to all. The students can always consult the school nurses online via facebook messenger for health concerns/ covid-19 symptoms. Tooth extraction service is also ongoing via online scheduling following the minimum health protocol and LGU provisions. The office assures confidentiality of student concerns and records.

Visit the School Clinic Facebook page

Laboratory fees vary from one department to the other. Some departmentscancelled their laboratory fees while other departments collect as they see fit or as needed by the course/subject they are offering. Each department collecting


laboratory fees can justify based on the activities they have for the entire semester. Avoid comparing laboratory fees from other courses or departments, for proper guidance always direct your questions to your instructors, coordinators, and college deans.

No graduation fee was collected for the batch 2021. For batch 2020 there will be a program or ceremony which will be finalized by the college deans soon.

There is no tuition fee increase from second year up to fourth year level only. There is however a small adjustment for first year tuition fees. Some students misinterpret the “no tuition fee increase” statement because they compare their tuition fee based from the preceding level or year and/or comparing tuition fees from other courses/departments. But,if you compare tuition fees based per level(2ndyear, 3rdyear, and 4thyear) you will notice that there is no increase on tuition fee for all 2nd year from 2019-2021 likewise for the 3rdand 4thyear tuition fees.

Please refrain from comparing tuition fees of 2nd year Nursing and 2nd year Education students or any other courses because per college/course tuition fees might vary.

Also, please avoid comparing tuition fees of 2nd year and 4th year students because it is normal that there is a slight variation as the student level increases.

Example:If you are a 3rdyear CBA student you will notice that there is no increase if you compare tuition fee from all 3rdyear CBA 2019 students up to all 3rdyear 2020 and 2021 students.Simply put, no increase for all 3rdyear CBA from 2019-2021, but there might be a slight difference if you compare 3rdyear vs. 4thyear CBA or 3rdyear CBA vs.3rdyear MedTech tuition fees.

There is a schedule of fees per course and per level posted in the IMCC Business Office Bulletin for comparison.

Notice, any concerns or queries please email directly to the IMCC –Human Resource Office to properly address them. We discourage random facebook posts or on any social media platform because it does not address the concern to the proper department or office, thank you.